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Learn from the best…for free!
Last week I talked about some of the real gurus out there for you to learn from and follow and gave you links to some of their best resources. This week, I’m going more in-depth with just three brilliant marketers from whom you can learn a lot… For absolutely nada....
The Real Secrets Of Success
Don’t know about you but every day my inbox is bombarded by gurutastic types who pretend they know what they’re talking about. Mostly, they don’t. Rather than paying attention to them, I prefer to listen to the people who prove themselves by their results. I’m talking...
How To Find That Perfect Niche
Ah…the niche question. Never mind how you pronounce it (I say neesh, you say nitch)…how do you pin down the right one(s) in the first place? Your niche, if you don’t know, is the market segment you choose as the focus of your business. You can have more than one...
Do more, make more – here’s how
Today I’m planning my projects over winter. I have two books to write (one with a January 31 deadline), three courses to create and all the other stuff I do in between such as promos, workshops, acting as a charity trustee and board director etc etc Sounds like a lot?...
Fabulous new stuff for you…
It’s getting colder, the leaves are falling… Even the sheep in the field outside my window look a little chilly. But you know what? I love this time of year and I look on it as a time of renewal, even more so than spring. Why? Because as the weather turns and we...
Turn Your Creativity Into Cash
Creativity is often seen as somehow fluffy or not directly related to profit…whereas, in fact, it’s the bedrock of my business and almost every other one I can think of… As it should be of yours. Let’s get one thing clear – creativity comes in many forms. It’s the...