Today we’re using what you did yesterday to start building that irresistible lead magnet or tripwire offer.

How are we going to make it irresistible?

By giving your target audience exactly what they want and need the most.

And how do you know what that is?

By using the information you gathered yesterday by completing your Target Audience/Ideal Customer worksheet and observing your ideal customer on social media, in forums etc

Through doing all that (you did do it, right?), you will know what really hits their emotional buttons when it comes to your niche or market.

It’s important those are emotional buttons because that’s how people buy…through emotion rather than logic.

Sure, logic comes into it but the majority of that purchasing decision is based on an emotional response. Here’s where things get slightly more complicated…

You see, that emotional trigger may not have been set off in the way that you think.

Let’s imagine that you’re in the weight loss niche and you think your ideal customer wants to lose weight so they can look and feel better.

That may be true but underpinning that at a deeper level may be the desire to look better because they were bullied all the way through high school due to being overweight and it has left them so scarred by the experience that every time they lose weight, they pile it back on again because their self-esteem is so shattered.

If you understand what really lies behind their motivation you can help them achieve the one thing that will make them love you forever:

Lasting transformation.

So what I want you to do now is gather all the information from yesterday and write down the top three transformations you think your ideal customer wants.

Then refine it down to the most important transformation they want that you can help them achieve quickly and easily through your lead magnet or tripwire offer.

In the case of weight loss, it could be a 7-day quickstart program that also addresses those underlying emotional needs by including exercises to improve their mindset.

Whatever that transformation is, I want you to write it down along with their deeper underlying or subconscious motives for wanting to achieve it.

We’ll work more tomorrow on the actual content and format of your lead magnet or offer but if you also want to jot down ideas for what that might be, as I have done above, then please do so…

And I will see you back here tomorrow!

P.S. Don’t have a tripwire offer (a low-priced entry product that is typically offered on your Thank You page after someone opts in)?

Then this will help you create one quickly and easily:

Click Here

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