Happy New Year!

I’m writing this on the first day of 2024, sitting in front of the fire in the new place I moved into yesterday and it really does feel like a fresh start…

Although I don’t recommend doing what I did and heaving packing boxes around all day before jumping into a bath and dashing to a New Year’s party!

Today I have pottered and reflected…what do I want from the year ahead? The day and week ahead? You see, I always believe it’s a moveable feast.

I’m not keen on New Year’s resolutions except of the most general kind. At the party last night, for example, there was a woman who asked about mine and so I said I want to say yes to life even more and no to the things that get in the way of that.

Rather than setting myself up to fail with unrealistic expectations, I can go with that all year and see where it takes me.

If you’d like some inspiration for resolutions that are specific to online entrepreneurs, though, then you might like this:

With some more great ideas specific to this year here:


Along with advice on setting those intentions here:

While if you need some ideas for setting up a new business and/or passive income streams in 2024…

Take a look at these:


And also these 30 ideas here:

With an online business roadmap for 2024 here:


For the freelance writers among you, here are the niches that pay well in 2024:

While these are the hottest niches for self-publishing in 2024:

Your first TED talk of this year is on Why businesses need a dreamer’s magic and a doer’s realism:

If there’s one resolution you make this year, aim to have both!

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