Tomorrow night is the first in a series of events I have helped to organise which will help create a new platform for me and the people involved…

As well as raise plenty of money for charity. So a win-win.

But so far it has been a labour of love.

Or has it?

Sometimes you have to play the long game – yes, I know that’s anathema in an online world where everyone is shouting about instant results.

But I have learned from experience that those things which take a while to build are usually the ones that last longest. I have been doing that all this week with something I am going to unveil to you shortly and I hope you will learn a lot from it.

In the meantime, I want to encourage you this week with some resources and tips that will keep you going when you feel there is no end in sight or that you simply haven’t made that breakthrough yet.

You will. I promise. So long as you keep going.

And I hope these will help…

Let’s start with these excellent motivational tips from 10 seven figure successes on how they stay motivated:

With 46 more entrepreneurs sharing their best tips here:

And 72 more here….this may sound a lot but I love these tips, including getting a border collie and learning to sew….I also think that just one tip may resonate with you so it’s worth scanning them all:

Next, I am sharing with you some of the best motivational videos for budding solopreneurs and entrepreneurs just like you….

Let’s start with this wonderful story:

And then this one I have always loved on where good ideas come from:

Finally this on the surprising truth about what really motivates us – watch and learn:

I have mentioned Pat Flynn, the brains behind Smart Passive Income to you before, as well as Jeff Bullas, both online legends…they are just some of the people sharing some more wonderful advice with you here that will keep you doing what you are doing for the right reasons:

Want to take a course that will leave you motivated and raring to succeed online? This one will do just that and as it’s a 10 day course you can easily take it within the one month trial for nada here:

Keen on motivational quotes? Excellent. There are 47 here all designed for us entrepreneurial folk:

An Instagrammer?

Then you’ll love these tips for accounts to follow this year that will fire you up, keep you inspired and maybe even give you ideas for your own Instagram game:

More of a movie buff?

Then these are for you – a bunch of movies that will reignite your passion or give you the kick/hug/role model you might just need:

Finally, for you podcast fans here is the Motivated Marketer podcast…listen to one or all for that aural boost:

Your TED talk this week is hugely inspirational…and might just change the way you think about yourself as well as others…this is relevant to us all:

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