Last night I helped make someone’s dream come true.

You see, I have a new friend called Ed who really, really wants to break into doing voice work.

He was a journalist for many years but has always had this yearning…and he also happens to have a great voice…

So I pulled in another friend who happens to be one of the top voiceover artists in the UK and we put together a plan for Ed which will get him started on the road to fulfilling his dream.

There may have been a roast chicken dinner cooked by his wife as our reward which is why it took until midnight…but it was so worth it.

It also underlined for me that making your dreams come true is no quick hit, push button affair as the IM bro marketers would have you believe which is why I want to focus today on evergreen ideas for you which will stand the test of time…

Things you can actually build long term and sustain so you really can make your own dreams come true. And yes, I will also be creating something based on what we taught Ed so stay tuned for that as well.

For now, let’s start by looking at these 12 evergreen product ideas you can swipe wholesale or use as inspiration:

I also love this excellent guide to creating and marketing evergreen – or perennial – products here:

In that guide, you’ll see a book recommendation for The Perennial Seller.

Even if you don’t get the book (which is excellent) you might like to grab the extras here:

And learn even more about what makes a perennial seller here – although he’s talking specifically about books you can apply the lessons to digital products too:

Of course, once you’ve created your evergreen or perennial product (and don’t forget this can be a physical product or a service too), you’ll want to launch it…

Here’s how to do that the evergreen way:

You’ll also want to add some evergreen content into the mix:

And extend that evergreen approach to all of your marketing for even better results with less effort:

Prefer to watch and learn? Here’s Tim Ferriss on evergreen marketing:

There’s also this very helpful podcast on evergreen content:

Your TED talk this week will get you thinking about the difference between winning and succeeding…

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