Hello and, following on from yesterday’s post, I wanted to talk to you today about authenticity.

Now, yesterday you may remember I spoke about making things snackable, as in easily digestible.

And that’s because attention spans are shorter. People don’t have as much time, and therefore they need to be able to ingest your content, your offers, whatever it is you’re putting out there as fast and as tastily as possible so that it’s full of flavour for them.

Now, that’s great and it’s absolutely what you should be doing. But the other thing you need to keep in mind is that, this year especially, I think you need to be as authentic as possible.

That’s because people have become slightly inured to influencer marketing. I was reading a debate about this very topic only today where some people think that influencers are finally breaking through.

I don’t.

I think influencers are beginning to turn people off.

That’s for the simple reason that you or I are never going to want or aspire to that level of glossiness.

I certainly don’t, I want to lead my life as authentically as possible, which means chatting to you from my sofa, or couch, as you may call it, which is what I’m doing now.

Yesterday I was chatting to you from my kitchen.

Those are absolutely fragments of my life whereas the life of an influencer life is largely constructed.

And most people can smell that, which is why, yes, for a certain period of time, influencers were hugely influential, if you like, but now, more and more people connect with people they know, trust, and like, as they always have done.

They also connect with people they feel they can identify with, because after all, if you’re constantly being forced to measure up to a life that you simply cannot, and don’t want to attain, it’s going to push you away, rather than magnetically attract you.

Which means that for you, the more that you are you, the more authentic you are, the more you will draw people towards you as well as your offers your content, and all those other snackable bits that you’re putting out there.

I want to leave you with that thought for today. Think about how you can bring more authenticity into your content, into your messages, into your marketing.

Here’s a hint: infuse it more with you.

For further reading, here’s a great piece on how to make your marketing more authentic:


And another good piece on why authenticity is so imporant to your content marketing:


I’ll be back to share some more pearls of wisdom with you tomorrow. Have a good one.

And if you’d like to hear the authentically unedited recording of this, it’s here:

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